Sunday, June 7, 2009

College life starts in a few days

My days in school are done! I m heading for college on 14th, this youtube, blogging or even checking mails for months!! :-(

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The pics of granny's woods

I had been to my granny's yesterday. Her home is situated in the woods!! Beautiful woods! A calf and flowers as well!! These are the real pics........take a look!

Friday, March 27, 2009


Today I had a dream where I saw a plane crashing right into my house. On close examination I found weird creatures with tentacles crawling out from the crash site. It was not a nightmare and I had a good laugh at how those little creatures behaved.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

My first guitar lesson

Guys, yesterday I went for my first interactive guitar lessons. I call it interactive because I had learned a bit playing the guitar from the net. The teacher was a nice man. He was about 35. Seeing me play the guitar, he did ask me if I had learned before. I said yes. As a whole yesterday's class did not benefit me much since i already knew a bit about those basics. But yes, the lesson was full of fun! If u, like me, have got interest in learning guitar online, I recommend ......

There are many videos on youtube as well. But some are not professional.

Those emotions................

Emotions! That's what we call those feelings in us. In dreams we do get feelings. Those feelings may sometimes become so strong that they leave us in that state for a long time even after we wake up. Sometimes we see a past moment of our real life in dreams clearly and in full detail. If you take a better look, you will find that those events in your life were full of strong emotions. I m not saying that emotional dreams are experienced only about past events. I have had dreams where I become poignant in a completely new manner (I mean I dream about things that did not happen in my life).

Some emotions are so strong in dreams that we never experience them in real life. Keep a dream dictionary consisting of what a particular feeling might mean (remember, YOU write the dictionary. No one else can interpret your dreams better that you). Interestingly, such dreams leave us wondering for days, even weeks.....

What's going on?

Ever came across dreams where you don't know what the hell is happening? At one point you are talking to a person and after sometimes the person turn out to be someone else? At one moment you're in the street and then you come home, open the door and find yourself in the woods?

Well those are paradoxical dreams and in my experience they tend to show some unusual signs or symbols. And those symbols tend to show themselves again in other dreams. For example I sometimes see a blue door in my dreams which opens to reveal a secret alleyway. Though I have never seen the place in real life, in the dream I feel that I m completely familiar with that alleyway and have gone there frequently before.

When I was younger, I used to see a deserted street full of fallen leaves in my dreams frequently. I had never seen that place in real life. But recently, one of my friends said his family had shifted to a different house. He invited me to take a look at his new house. We were on our cycles heading towards his place. We had to enter a street that looked quite familiar to me. Once I was there, I was stunned to recognize every detail of the street. It was the same mysterious street I saw in my dreams before. I had never been to that street, but surprisingly I knew every detail of it. My friend's house was on that street itself!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I m sure all of us have experienced horror dreams! I m bound to tell that had those dreams been turned into horror movies they would have bagged Oscar! Yes they are more terrifying than the horror movies because it involves us. Now, they are the most useless dreams ever that are experienced due to stress or sleeping disorder. There are few effective methods by which we can get rid of such dreams.

I told you before how you can solve problems through your dreams. In the same manner project you mind in your relaxation period(like I mentioned earlier) to dream about happy things. FEEL the love of your loved ones and very slowly recall you happy moments. Convince yourself to remember the happy dream that you will have and get excited in the knowledge that you are going to have a wonderful dream to remember the next day. Now I m bound to say that I have never experienced anything bad in a dream after I started to do this. And one more important thing - sleep well!